
Friday, May 1, 2009

Although the element of dub and industrial drew me in on FF when I first came across their piece “ Ulysses” on one of those music playing Myspace page , after listening through a couple of tracks a couple of times from this year’s “Tonight” , I thought they were pretty funky as well. Emotionally, from the first time you read the track titles, the album has a fun maybe sarcastic, read The Ting Tings, but vastly positive vibe about it. While popular dub funk influences like the ting tings featured distinctive rhythm with pulse driven drum loops, most of FF songs have flat distortion working in the background of upbeat constantly changing drum works and something that almost sound like chimes. Although I inanely lean towards three cords guitar works with lots of noise, I have to admit tracks like “What she came for” could really sound like something unique, certainly distinctive and certainly enjoyable. And maybe I’m growing up/out of my Cobian-esque fixation.

I always feel that the process of making music have to be a lot about having fun and doing it for the love of it. I think that FF actually incorporate a lot of it’s feel good attitude into this album without sounding poppy or cheesy. Which is quite an achievement in itself, considering how thin the line can be between sounding fresh and sounding completely hip hoppy in these kinds of ambitious sounds. I guess what I’m trying to say is FF is kind of contagious if you’re here to enjoy rather then analyze.